Three things for which I’m grateful today: 1. A 3-mile run before sunrise. It was cold and dark and I was mostly alone in the…
Michael Holtz
Three things for which I’m grateful today: 1. Morning worship at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Worship is always wonderful, and the Christmas hymns (’tis still…
Things I’m grateful for today: 1. Elderberry tea. Sarah has been fighting a bout of upper respiratory crud for about two weeks. I have been…
The start of a new year seems an appropriate time to revisit and revise my bucket list. Some items on the previous version, like skydiving,…
Three things for which I am grateful today: 1. Great lunch with my sweet friend, Sandra Heinig, at Not Watson’s. We had a great conversation…
Three things for which I’m grateful today: 1. Kicking off the New Year doing something healthy and reconnecting with many friends a the Calhoun’s New…
Christmas promises a much-needed spark of happiness we hope to fan into a flame that will burn into the new year. So, here we are.…
With two days to go before Christmas, I finished the first draft of my book, It’s Not Harder Than Cancer. I set Christmas as my…
Bucket List Friends It's Not Harder Than Cancer Positive Attitude Thriving Tribe
Welcome to my new online digs!
I’m very excited about the possibilities with In this space I’ll talk about expressing gratitude, staying positive, loving the people in my life, getting…