Three things for which I’m grateful today:
1. The nurse practitioner at the CVS Walk-in Clinic was awesome. Very funny, even as she was confirming that I have pink eye. By the way, pink eye is more rampant than the flu in Knoxville, which is saying something since we’re ground zero for the flu. Wash your mitts, people!
2. Taking a sick day from work gave me ample time to pray for a friend in the midst of a cancer battle who was spending the day with doctors.
3. Was offered a volunteer leadership position for something about which I am very passionate. This seems to be my year! Very exciting things are coming together for 2015!
January 7, 2015 at 4:00 amDon’t bring pink eye to the gym dude!
Michael Holtz
January 8, 2015 at 12:57 amJust don’t lick my eye!! 🙂